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Something Small


Here is a lovely thought for a Friday. Find something, however small, that makes you happy or gives you pleasure, and do that for five minutes. Sometimes, five minutes is all you need. And in many ways, with this exercise, the smaller the better. You could walk out and look at a tree, or even look at a picture of a tree. You could ring up a friend. You could read a favourite poem. You could turn off the telephone and spend time with a beloved animal. You could breathe or stretch your body or dance around the kitchen.

A lot of life is very complicated. Dealing with trauma is not a straightforward business. Healing old wounds may be the work of years. But there are the small things which are easily available, which you can do right now, which do make a difference. The cumulative effect of these, if you can fold them into your daily routine, adds up to a discernible shift. And, as we always think at HorseBack, it’s worth a try.

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