We’re focusing in on all aspects of mental health this month, and especially thinking about those simple things which anyone can do to bring a sense of well-being and ease and equilibrium. At HorseBack, we are huge fans of the small things.
Here’s the first on our list – never forget the power of laughter. Laughter is fabulous for your physiological self – it lowers stress hormones, increases serotonin, does great things for lungs and blood pressure – and it is brilliant for your mental and emotional self. If you can laugh with a friend that will give you the sense of connection which is indispensable for human happiness, but even watching a funny programme or video or clip on YouTube will raise your sense of hope and possibility. Children laugh all day long, without even thinking about it, and grown-ups somehow lose that magical talent as life gets earnest and serious and real. Take yourself back to that childhood self, the one who wasn’t afraid to laugh, even at the silliest jokes. Your body and your mind will thank you.