Course Introduction
The HorseBack experience is an award winning programme which offers nationally accredited qualifications in personal development through horsemanship and mental health and wellbeing. Participants have the opportunity to gain a better understanding of themselves and their individual needs through a residential week and continued online support.
Whereas the initial HorseBack courses were about providing somewhere safe to take time out following a life-changing injury, we appreciate the need to provide tangible learning objectives and clear measurable learning outcomes. It is imperative that course attendees progress and take positive steps forward in their path to recovery. This might be in increased confidence and self-esteem, healthier relationships, volunteering, education or indeed full or part-time work.
Personal Development Through Horsemanship
This programme takes place over three months with initial online input, a residential week at HorseBack UK and further online follow up and support.
Activities whilst at HorseBack Include:
Horsemanship – drawing simple but effective parallels with human behaviours
Archery – improving focus and concentration using calming techniques
Bushcraft – connecting with the outdoors and appreciating the positive benefits
Pilates – promotes mindfulness, body awareness and physical health
Breathing Exercises – decreases stress and anxiety and increases energy
Team Building – increases communication and confidence
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy – helps develop new coping skills and manage emotions
Over time an emphasis on volunteering and mentoring has helped keep service personnel engaged with the Charity, preventing a return to isolation. This initiative ensures that the skills and resilience acquired at HorseBack UK continue to grow allowing progression on the individuals’ recovery journey.
How to attend
We aim to help as many people in the Armed Forces community as possible. We support service personnel and veterans of all ages, whether difficulties have arisen during time in the Armed Forces or many years later.
We prefer for individuals to come via a referring body. This can be a PRO if still serving or for veterans Combat Stress, NHS or other recognised military associations.
If you are wishing to self refer then we would expect support from your GP.
HorseBack UK has done wonders for my confidence. The team and the course members have helped re-establish my people skills along with my leadership skills. These are skills that I had lost from suffering with complex PTSD anxiety and depression due to military service. I found Aboyne, Scotland and being around the horses very therapeutic. The course is planned and conducted with military precision and executed in a manner that suits the needs of every course member’s medical and mental health needs.
I was extremely anxious about taking the trip to Aboyne and struggled at the start. I have learnt a lot about myself and the things that I needed to work on to fit back into society after leaving service. At the same time as learning how to manage my condition through the magic of horses, I set out some goals that I wanted to achieve back home.
My confidence in my day-to-day life back home has grown to the point that other people have noticed. I am interacting with people more and achieving the goals that I had set out in. I am now able to start to manage my PTSD for the first time.
I am thankful and forever in debt to HorseBack for giving me the opportunity to attend their course and challenging my life for the better.
Former Sergeant, Royal Marines
In December 2022, having suffered a traumatic brain injury and still in ongoing rehabilitation I thought at the time that I was coping and progressing well. This couldn’t have been further from the truth; I had become isolated from my family and friends. So much so that I had lost all confidence in the ability to look after my daughter. In essence, I now know that I was having a mental breakdown. I found myself turning to alcohol more frequently, as is so common in these situations. It truly never helps. Whilst under the influence, I found myself calling and texting everyone and anyone who would listen. I now know this was escalating into a cry for help.
Having been diagnosed with severe depression by my General Practitioner, the Royal Marines Charity organised a placement for me at HorseBack UK. This would prove to be a pivotal step on my personal road to my recovery, not only for me but also for my family.
From the beginning, the day I drove to HBUK, I’m not going to lie I was very anxious with the feeling of not being worthy. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I very rapidly realised, that this is what I had been lacking for too long now. After day one my scepticism regarding horses had long gone, I hadn’t felt this relaxed in so long. I was managing to smile and laugh, I was even able to hold down a conversation, which I had been avoiding for so long. My thoughts were changing rapidly, becoming very positive and thinking I have still got something to give, after only one week at HBUK I was buzzing again.
I remember the drive out of the farm on the Friday. I stopped at the bottom of the road, got out of the car I then found myself crying my eyes out uncontrollably. I had just had the most profound experience and week of my life. On returning home, not only did I feel my outlook on life had changed but my family hadn’t seen me this happy and focused for far too long. I couldn’t wait to get back to HorseBack UK. I needn’t have worried. HBUK not only helps you deal with the here and now, but it builds up the tools needed to cope with and manage the present. It’s never far from my thoughts. What if I hadn’t put my hands up or had that wobble? Made that cry for help? Been referred to HBUK? Where would I be now? I wouldn’t like to answer that question.
I came to realise that there is sometimes someone worse off than yourself, but we all have our own battles. I make regular contact with all the other attendees I have crossed paths with. Checking in if you like, because if I hadn’t been checked in on, then who knows? To this day I continue to recover. The two years I spent under NHS rehabilitation doesn’t have a look in on my progression over this last year.
Thanks to HorseBack UK I finally realise, I do still have something to offer and I’m not a bad person after all. Purpose and community are two words and have a tremendous meaning in my mind set every day. The HorseBack UK centre is a truly inspirational establishment. Dedicated to helping former and serving military men and women on their journey to recovery. To date I continue to build back up my relationships with family and most of all my daughter. This is very important to me. I no longer and will never again turn to alcohol. I have the correct positivity and positive mindset now. Daily, I have purpose to tell myself “Today is going to be a good day”. I owe so much back to HBUK. For not only getting my mental health back on track, but for making me believe in myself again, and most of all bringing back my smile.
Former Royal Marines Commando
HorseBack UK has changed my life beyond recognition. I am better able to interact socially and have regained my self-confidence. I had learned to avoid crowded spaces and was nervous and hyper-vigilant when those situations were unavoidable, but I have lost that fear, have improved my health and fitness, can manage long car journeys, and find horse-riding an engaging outdoor pursuit. I now want to do more to help others overcome the personal challenges they may be facing.
I can never thank the team at HorseBack UK enough, and all my recent achievements started with Jay Hare’s innovative goal setting module conducted over Zoom during covid lockdown. There are horses all around me at home in Somerset and to hear or see them always brings a wave of positivity and well-being. Thank you HBUK.
Former Royal Marines Commando Officer
HorseBack UK has two separate sites for accommodation purposes. When you initially attend you will be accommodated at Smiddy Hill which can sleep up to twelve people. Our other accommodation, which is reserved for Strikers, sleeps up to four people. All our accommodation is shared and has shared facilities (bathrooms, kitchen etc).
At both sites clean fresh bed linen and towels are provided by HorseBack UK.
We do not allow any pets in the accommodation unless it is an assistance dog. Prior to bringing any animal to site, you must get permission confirmed by a member of the HorseBack UK Team.
You will be collected from the accommodation and transported to and from the main site at Ferrar.
Whilst you are on the course, HorseBack UK will provide you with a lunch. Ingredients are provided in order that you can cook an evening meal and provisions are given to you for Breakfast. If you require any additional items to those we have provided you with then these can be purchased locally at your own cost.
There are no WIFI facilities at either sites of accommodation. There are facilities at the main site at Ferrar. If you require access to WIFI then you will be provided the details to access the system.
Unless you are bringing a registered carer with you then HorseBack UK does not allow anyone other than course attendees to stay in the accommodation.
Yes. There is a washing machine and tumble dryer at Smiddy Hill and a washing machine at the Stables Cottage.
Prior to attending a course you will be provided with a set of Joining Instructions which provides information about the course and what items you will need to bring with you.
No we do not provide a uniform. However, we do carry a limited amount of merchandise which you can purchase from the main site at Ferrar.
We generally start at 9.15am and run until 4-5pm depending on the type of activity you are taking part in.
No we offer more than horse riding. There are other activities arranged for you in the afternoons such as fishing, falconry, bush craft and gliding. However, if there is something you would really like to do during your stay with us, let a member of the team know and we will try to accommodate you.
Yes. We are very mindful of the ‘pace’ that we run our courses and we run at a pace that is comfortable for everyone. Tea, coffee and soft drinks are provided throughout the day for your comfort.
We aim to get everyone away by 2pm in the afternoon. However, if you have to catch a train or get to the airport earlier we will ensure that you are transported in good time in order to catch your flight or train.
HorseBack UK courses follow a set structure and theme. This means that you will not be able to ride straight away. We teach Western Style Horsemanship which is very different from the English style of teaching and riding, so even though you may have some previous experience of riding, we take you through a comprehensive programme which allows you to build and gain trust from the horses you will be working with.
The courses are specifically designed for both serving and ex-military personnel and the emphasis is on their needs, aims and objectives. It is therefore not normal practice to allow carers to get involved with the course. However carers are encouraged to help the HorseBack Team throughout the week with various chores including meal preparation for the course attendees.
There is no structured programme in place for evening activities. However, dependant on the size of the group and general consensus, activities can be arranged.
Progression is an integral part of the HorseBack ethos and further opportunities will be discussed on an individual basis when you are on the course.
HorseBack UK is a charity and unfortunately we are not in a position to assist with travel costs.