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Course Introduction

During the COVID 19 pandemic, HorseBack was unable to deliver its on site programmes. Wanting to help those who had specifically been affected by COVID within the NHS and Care Home Systems, we came up with the idea of using the now familiar zoom meetings to run interactive programmes to aid those who were struggling with the stresses and anxiety in their professional and personal lives.

With horsemanship and the parallels between horse and human behaviours still at the core, wellbeing experts guide participants through a journey of growth and resilience.

With the success over several NHS departments further programmes have been developed each which can be adapted for the specific requirements of its participants.


We now offer the following:


Each programme comprises online sessions including:


Thank-you so very much for one of the most inspiring, enlightening and enjoyable courses that I have ever attended. Well done to all for making this course so magical and life changing.

All the speakers were wonderful but also the attendees who opened up in the breakout rooms were wonderful….. the lady facilitator in the wheelchair is nothing short of inspirational and I will think of her every time I come across something I think I can’t deal with.

All the words of wisdom and helpful exercises the facilitators gave us to consider and practice have been life changing (but I still need to keep practicing and trusting my intuition!)

I feel the course has made me able to think more clearly, I feel more grounded and much more open towards people and situations. My body and mind feel so much lighter about my thinking and thoughts.

I definitely feel I have been given some great approaches to dealing with everyday life and work situations and I will practice and continue to use them in the future.

The course has been very inspirational and has really made me think in a positive way about the future.

I loved the breakout rooms….just that realisation that we are not alone in our daily problems and issues …….Best thing I’ve ever done for myself, so insightful and so helpful.

The course is still resonating with me and lessons learned are keeping me going in the tough times.

I would like to thank you all for this wonderful opportunity and guidance, during this trip of self-connection and rediscovering the world with different eyes. …….This could help so many people.

Since joining, my mindset has changed to a more positive one….I am doing it now without even thinking.

Prior to the course she was in a negative spiral which would have resulted in her leaving the industry…..she admits to being a complete cynic “about all this stuff” but is now a complete convert.

I would highly recommend Horseback UK to anyone/team considering the course in the future.

We do not rely on government funding so any donations will greatly assist with the running of our charity.