One of the most important aspects of our work at HorseBack is creating partnerships with other organisations in the local community and in the charity sector. There has been an increased emphasis on this in the last few months, and we are building some very exciting new connections. In this way, we can broaden the scope of our operation, learn valuable lessons from the experience of others, work towards shared goals, and add power and impetus to our core aims.
Jock Hutchison, co-founder of HorseBack says: ‘We are creating journeys for the folk we serve. Each journey is different and requires different inputs at different stages. By co-ordinating with other organisations we can provide complete solutions. We can sign-post other charities and organisations that provide services we do not.’
On a personal level, it is also incredibly interesting and inspiring. When we have visitors from possible new partners, as we did this week, we find ourselves galvanised and stimulated by new knowledge, new horizons, new perspectives. A whole set of possibilities opens up to us, which is very exciting. After a long Scottish winter, with its violent storms and unprecedented floods, this feels like a tremendous boost to the spirits. Spring is coming, in a literal and metaphorical sense.