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HorseHour Podcast Interview


Last month, Jock was invited to record a HorseHour Podcast interview with Amy Stevens, the host of the number 1 equestrian podcast.

We were properly excited about the opportunity; none of us has given a podcast interview before and especially to one with so many listeners worldwide! Unfortunately, just a few days before the interview Amy had a nasty accident when she fell off a horse and had a concussion, but she soldiered on and kept her appointment for the podcast interview.

Those of you who know Aberdeenshire, will appreciate that strong wi-fi signal can be a luxury and that is definitely the case for our HQ, so we were most grateful to Claire Bruce of Glen Tanar, who generously allowed us to use their versatile Coats room to do the interview.

It was an absolute pleasure to do the interview with Amy who showed so much interest in what HorseBack UK is all about and since then has been our avid supporter on social media, raising awareness about our work and fundraising needs. Thank you, Amy!

Last but not least, here’s the podcast interview, we hope you enjoy it!

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