
Mental Health Awareness Week
It is Mental Health Awareness Week, something that is very close to our HorseBack hearts. When we started HorseBack, we were focused on men and

A New Member To The Team
At HorseBack, we are determined to find the rays of light in these uncertain times. That’s how we get through the days of lockdown, and

A Feeling Of ‘Blah’
The lockdown, we discover, is taking people in very different ways. We are currently getting anecdotal reports of a sort of flatness. It’s been variously

The 2.6 Challenge
The 26th of April was to have been a banner day for HorseBack. We were lucky enough to have a runner in the London Marathon.

The Stories Of Hope
The great story of the week is that of Captain Tom Moore. You will all know the remarkable tale of the gallant captain by now.

Community Spirit
In Britain, the coronavirus crisis has moved into the phase of the big numbers. Even though the scientific advisors and the medical experts have been

Archie’s Tribute
We have some sad news. Our beloved Archie has gone. It was very quick and very sudden. Emma put him out in the field on

A Change Of Perspective
Only a few weeks ago, we at HorseBack were celebrating ten years of the charity and getting excited about our plans for the next ten

Blog Update
We’ve been off the blog for a while as we’ve been concentrating on our Facebook page, where you will find regular updates on all the

Celebrating Ten Glorious Years
At HorseBack, we always say that we are interested in what is possible, not in what is not possible. Working with wounded veterans has taught

Exciting New Developments At HorseBack UK
These are exciting times at HorseBack UK. We are on the way to become an accredited centre for the Scottish Qualifications Authority. What this means

Scottish Veterans’ Charity At The Heart Of An Extraordinary National Year-Long Campaign To Mark The First World War Centenary
Horseback UK, a Scottish charity that uses horsemanship to inspire recovery, regain self-esteem and provide a sense of purpose and community to the wounded injured

Repsol Sinopec Resources UK Announces Charities Of The Year And Pledges Its Support
We are thrilled to announce that HorseBack UK has become a Charity of the Year with Repsol Sinopec Resources UK. The company announced that throughout

A Newborn Filly With Royal Connections
We are delighted to announce that our mare, Chexys Gold, gave birth to a filly on the 8th of May 2017. What is even more

HorseBack UK Wins National Soldiering On Award In The Animal Partnership Category
A pioneering Aberdeenshire charity has won the prestigious Soldiering On Award in the Animal Partnership category for helping members of the UK armed forces recover

Another Christmas Testimonial
Our next Christmas testimonial. (It’s starting to feel as if we should put in a partridge in a pear tree at this point.) The really lovely

A Tremendous Partnership
One of the great things about the last year at HorseBack is that we have been extending our reach beyond the veteran community. Our wounded

The Elements Of HorseBack
This week sees the end of another dazzling course. We feel that we have been breaking out every positive adjective in the book lately, but